ISSN 0002-3051 (Print)
ISSN 1829-3999 (Online)
DOI: 10.54503/0002-3051
Hakobyan N. Vahram
Sc.D., Prof., Yerevan, Armenia
● For a long time the Journal was an edition where the new scientific results of Armenian scientific universities had been published. Now the Journal is focused on both Armenian and foreign scientists, working in the priority research areas of Institute of Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, because the main purpose of the journal is an open dissemination of scientific knowledge among Armenian and foreign scientists.
● The papers and reviews published in the Journal are devoted to the following topics: "mathematical theory of elasticity", "theories of plates and shells", "theory of plasticity", "creep and visco-elasticity", "theory of electro-magneto-elasticity", "aero-hydro-mechanics", "stability of motion", "structural mechanics", "experimental techniques", etc.
● The Journal pays special attention to the following tasks:
○ attraction of highly qualified authors, editors and reviewers to the Journal;
○ ensuring a high scientific level of reviewing all incoming manuscripts;
○ compliance with COPE standards.
● The target audience of the journal is the scientists working in the topics mentioned above.